Sue, Bens' Mom, gave me a lovely book entitled 'Chocolate'. This was a love which united us. When she cared for Eowyn and Cosette, I would hide chocolates, and she would ALWAYS find, and eat, them. My plan was to make these truffles for friends for Christmas. Our neighbours, Eddie-next-door, Katie and her family, and Lanet and her family, received truffles. I ate the rest. Chocolate. Mmmmmmm. I thought, since not many truffles made it to their intended destinations, I'd pop the recipe on my blog, so you can make your own. And feel my love. Firstly, do the boiling-water-in-a-saucepan-with-a-large-metal-bowl-suspended-above-sort-of-thing. (I'm sure there's a more succint way of describing that!) Nextly, bring 2 cups of thick cream gradually to the boil, in the bowl. This cream will have various names, depending on what country you are in. Here in the USofA, it's called heavy cream. I've forgotten what appellation it goes under in the land of Oz, my home. O...