Our friends have arrived, exhausted after flying Bangkok-Tokyo-LA-Seattle ... The 3 gloriously gorgeous children slept on the 'plane, and on arriving bounced on the trampoline, rocked on the rocking horse, rode on the trikes and fought with the toy swords. Now they're excitedly talking nineteen-to-the-dozen in Karen. Mother, who is wonderful, speaks just a little English, and said to me 'My Friend Megan', with a beautiful smile on her face. And I said 'My friend P...' (We've been asked to keep names confidential) She reminds me of Ranee, Victor's Mum, and is gentle and caring in a similar manner. Our guests are Karen, like Victor, and joined in when I sang 'Si Podre wa', a song Victor and his family taught us at Rachel and Victor's wedding. I was wearing my Karen clothes, and so was P. Mine were pinned, and she showed me how to wrap it without pins. It stayed up for about 5 minutes, and then began to slip off.... It is such a wonderful honou...