Les artistes...
I have just talked with a piano teacher in our neighbourhood, and am taking the girls to meet her this afternoon, with the idea being to perhaps start piano lessons! They are expensive, but now that I am working, 'tis a gift I would like to give them. I wanted to learn as a teenager, and didn't have that opportunity - parenting is a lot about pendulums, isn't it, which is one reason we so enjoy having grandparents around - the girls are swinging back to them! I have an enormous grocery shop to unpack. Bens has been amazing, keeping the home fires burning whilst I am off at my new job, which is going very well. My mentor, a lovely woman named Jenny, said " I think you have the personality and "know how "to be an excellent Secondary School Nurse," which encouraged me immensely. Because the hospital job in Australia went so dreadfully, I have been rather anxious about this position - it seems it's a really good fit for me!