Our union-church has a great kids corner named 'Godly Play', which Eowyn and Cosette love. Here they are with E's good friend L, being creative! This reminds me somehow of Tom and me sitting on our squares in Cambridge licking a beater each! There've been lots of beaters to savour around here of late, what with the creation of Coco's lion cake and funny little cup cakes (a picture of which shall appear when it's developed, at Mum, Sam and Becca's request!! I love that you all laughed uproariously at the thought of them!!!!! Who needs perfection when we can laugh at ourselves...) Bens is in the thick of job-searching - it's hard work! And I'm about to make Anita's curried tuna recipe for dins! 
Love M


Makes me want to get down with them and play, Godlily. Oiur PLaygroup at Church started back yesterday. A lovely community of young Mums, which Rach and David will go to when they live next door. love

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