Thank you so much dear ones for your generous and loving gifts for Coco! We had such a lovely family present opening ceremony this smorning! First, Coco opened the lion from Serendipity and exclaimed 'How did she know?' Nextly she opened the socks and pencils from Becca, Sam and Zach, and chose a pair of socks to wear to school, and bounced the pig, birdie and cow on the tops of the pencils. After this, she opened 'The Scissor Fiends', written for Coco by Mummy and illustrated by Eowyn the amazing painter! (Daddy's present, the story "Different Like Coco" is still on its way!) 

Coco and Eowyn had lots of fun ripping open the big parcel from Grandma and Gump, and Coco was very excited about making cards and wanted to do so right away! (We didn't, as it was a school morning!) She was delighted by the lovely bracelets and purse from Rachel, Victor and David, and chose the purply bracelet for herself and gave the black-and-white one to Eowyn - she loves to share, our Coco! 

The last present to unwrap was 'Augustus and his Smile', from Tom, Anita, Eddie, Bastian and Rooster - she snuggled up in my lap and listened to her new story and loved it. (Eowyn and Daddy listened too!)

And on arrival home from school today, after an icecream date at Baskin-Robbins with Mummy and a party with her school friends, indulging in lion cupcakes created by Mummy, there was a card and stickers from Great Auntie Nancie! What a lovely day! We love our five year old!

A little aside about the cupcakes - Bens and I laughed uproariously about them last night, because, whilst being most artistic, they were very small and kind of ridiculous looking - Bens' Mom was a Martha Stewart type whose cakes were always very perfect ... not so his wife's!!!!!!!!


Please can we see pics of the funny little cup-cakes??? Love,
Nonickname said…
My MOTTO: Martha Stewart doesn't live here!
yes please, cup-cake photos!!! we're just laughing uproariously ourselves at the thought.

it sounds like an amazing day. Becca was just saying it was lovely reading that, and that we should be there really. love you all.
Benjamin Ady said…
I took a pic of the funny little cup cakes on the big camera, so whenever that's developed, I'll pop it on the blog! I love that you laughed uproariously at the thought!

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