Coco's first day of preschool!

Today was Coco's first day of preschool! She and Eowyn rode the bus together. What big girls they are! I am delighted they are so happy at school. I cried, walking down the front stairs into school (I rode the bus in with Coco, and big sister Eowyn said "I'll take care of her. I'll look out for my sister Coco", and sat with her on the way home!) Eowyn's bus picks her up from our front door at 8am, Coco's at noon, and they're both delivered home safe and sound at 3.30pm!!

Coco's special first-day-of-school brunch treat was pancakes, filled with huckleberries and blueberries Eowyn and I picked for her on our mountain hike.

Last night, Bens and I celebrated BB King's 82nd birthday with him, and led by Etta James, sang "Happy birthday dear BB!" Bens' meal was a New York steak and mine Maine lobster! Bens drank a Mac 'n Jack's ale, whilst I indulged in a delicious Mandarin Drop!

I'm almost finished Harry Potter #7, and revere JK Rowlings' genius! Her writing is helping me experience release from my long-time fear of death! "By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the devil's hold on death and freed all who cower through life, scared to death of death." Hebrews 2, The Message

Love to you and yours,


Yummy food. Did you eat at a restaurant?
Rachel J-L said…
Your lives are so American!
Huckleberries indeed!

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