My schoolgirl!

I'm so emotional about Eowyn starting school on Wednesday. I'm teary and my heart feels sad. It's such a big milestone. She is excited! We met Angela, her teacher, (who is just adorable!), and Eowyn found out her friends Aliya and Mario shall be in her class, so she's ready to go.

Mother, on the other hand, is clasping her hankie and weeping secretly in dark corners.

Here is baby Eowyn. I love her so! And Cosette, and Bens. What a beautiful family, and what a wonderful gift to me they are!


Rachel said…
Meg, I'm afraid I can offer little solace as I'm grieving myself. My baby is starting Jr. High School! ...weeping in with you in the same dark corner...

What a darling picture of Eowyn!
Benjamin Ady said…
motherhood is a lifelong series of little griefs, isn't it...

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