Seattle Girlfriends!

I'm really thankful for the wonderful girlfriends I have in Seattle. This week has been one of celebrating them: Shakespeare in the park with Arenda (that's the sun setting over Puget Sound afterwards! Eowyn wants to be Sylvia, in Two Gentlemen of Verona, and posed as her all the way home!), wine in the jacuzzi with Katie, Korean deliciosities with Lisa, champagne and shrimp with Karen, biking to the zoo with Mary, singing to celebrate the assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary with Jeannie, and hiking to Talapus Lake with Diana and Nathalie! I'm feeling exceedingly thankful to have such wonderful women in my life!
And to those of you I didn't get to see this week, a toast to you!


It's hard to see your friends for the beautiful scenery!

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