Chaim Potok

I've just finished 'The Book of Lights' - an incredible read. Let me share a taste with you!

"A passage from the Zohar came to him as he ascended the path. "Rabbi Yitzhak said: At the time God created the world and desired to reveal the depth of his being from out of the hidden, the light came from the darkness and they were joined together. Because of this, out of darkness came the light and out of the hidden came the revealed and out of the good came evil and out of mercy came severe judgment, and everything is intertwined with everything else... the good inclination and the evil inclination, the right and the left." p.240

Chaim Potok is addictive! I'm reading 'In the Beginning' now, his only novel I've not yet read. I began 'The Chosen' in Queenstown, Tasmania, aged 9, and was fascinated.

Who's your favourite author, and how did you meet them?


One of my favourite authors. Did you know there's a sequel to the Asher Lev one??
Megs said…
YES! I read it in Montevideo, Uruguay, under the autumn trees in El Prado! Delicious!
baker st jones said…
Well I did meet Howard Jacobson once in Soho (see Facebook for evidence of enthusiasm), but traditionally I 'meet' my favourite through an introduction by my mother.

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