
A few moments ago I was lying on my bed, freshly made with crisp, clean sheets, relaxing, when Coco came in and climbed under the fitted sheet, and crawled all around the bed, evading capture by mother-who-wanted-a-rest. Eowyn, was, meanwhile, outside, picking blackberries with which to make a pie. The marjoram, rosemary and courgette bread I'd just baked was smelling luscious. Coco, finally extricated from beneath the sheets, began bouncing over me on the bed, and OOPS, on top of me! OUCH! "No jumping on the bed Coco!" In comes Daddy, to jump WITH Coco on the bed, and head butt the glass light, which broke into a million shards, all over mother-who-wanted-(and didn't get!)-a-rest!

Yet I love this little family of mine, and wouldn't trade them in for all the world!

Love, and a toast to all mothers in the world in their quest for rest...



Gimena said…
hahahaha!!!! yes I feel so identify with your words...
I like the sound of those crisp, fresh sheets.
Anonymous said…
Well said, Megs. XXXXX

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