Eowyn JUST fitted into her winter party dress for Thanksgiving today! As we're going to Australia in nine sleeps time, this could be the last time she ever wears it! Coco's still has lots of party-time left in it! They LOVE dressing up. Our dress-up box is rather exotic, with items from all around the world.

I'm listening to U2, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb - one of my favourite albums - It's on Miracle Drug - one of my very favourite songs. I've been feeling a disparity between my ideals around social justice, and my actions. Sure, we're into World Vision child sponsorship, and volunteering at a homeless youth drop in centre, but these things seem SO token - I'll sit here basking in luxury and unjustly cosy surroundings, while you suffer and die in the Third World, and I'll send my token monthly cheque to appease my guilt, and think of you no further. I feel angry with myself regarding this disparity. Bens and I both have a sense of calling into social justice work of some sort.


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