What beautiful girls! Eowyn is wearing the purple cape Seren made her, and Coco the cat hat Sam gave her! Our lovely morning entailed numerous stories, read snuggled together on hte couch, stimulating conversation with wonderful Bens and really high swinging at the park. Autumn is fun!!!
Wanna know what happened just after this pic? We'd nearly made it up the hill from the park, in the rain, when Eowyn and Coco decided to run back down the hill, despite their mother's urging not to. Mother lost her temper and stormed off up the hill, scared Eowyn followed her, and delighted Coco began her exploration of the hill...
At Mother's continued urgings to climb the hill, Coco beseeched Mother to carry her up, and had a tantrum on the muddy wet grass when Mother said no. Mother decided she might as well lie down next to Coco, seeing she didn't know how long this tantrum might go on for. Initially, feeling the soft, cold rain upon her face was lovely. Then, a foul odour. Mother and Coco had inadvertantly rolled in dog shit. Mother said a number of words which Nana would find offensive, and stormed off up the hill, where she plonked down again in the mud, as it now didn't matter what she sat in, and cheered Coco on up the hill. HOORAY! Coco made it! Yay!! We picked some rosemary to pop in our lunch, threw our shitty clothes in the washing machine and ... what ho! The washing maching broke! Mother had a tantrum (wonderful example for her wee ones, this Mother!) Father began endeavouring to fix it, and Mother avoided further interaction by escaping to the computer...
You never know what stories belie an autumal smily photo!!!!!!!!


is that the bit history will forget when folks look back at this photo...!! i love it. great story behind the smiles there ;) it shows how easily histroy can be totally misrepresented...
Dear little girls - they always look such friends. (No comment on Mum's temper - I know what motherhood is like!)
i love this story megan. you're great!.. becca

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