Naomi and I had a lot of fun at Avak (pictured, with his lovely wife Anita)'s party on Friday evening, diving into photos being taken of other people. It was especially fun, because we knew nobody there save for Avak, Anita and Bens. I love this pic - the perfect photo dive, in that the intended subjects remain visible...

Last night, Seren, Bens and I attended a beautiful Samhain celebration, honouring our loved ones who have died, and   celebrating our movement into darkness, and the Celtic New Year. I honoured my brother Stephen, my grandparents Rachel and James (whom I have never met), and Benjamin's Mom, Sue. Seren honoured our Great Aunt Martha and our friend Jim Campbell. It was a significant time of grieving together, and made me realise that our society lacks something in the way we keep death on the periphery of our awareness. I wonder if this is why violent movies are so popular - because at some level we need to focus on death, and we have to some degree made tackling the topic front-on a social taboo? What do you think?

It excites me as I write to think of the fact that I am going to be seeing much of my blogging community in the next two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooh la la!!!!!!!



Unknown said…
I was just having a conversation about how little I know about death. And it was discussed that because we put our sick and elderly in hospitals and convalescent homes and the like, death no longer occurs in the home and therefore we no longer, as a society, have that shared experience. Technology has allowed us to remove those unsavory moments away from ourselves. I don't find it good or bad, personally, but I do think it is interesting to ponder.
Yes, I think the old ways, of dying at home with family and friends around, and having the body in the home for a while, actually helped people to grieve.
Anonymous said…
I have never heard of a Samhain Ceremony. It sounds like it would be quite a lovely thing to do. This past fornight for us has involved three funerals. One was a couple that were elderly and died a week apart. The other was a young man only 43years. It is such a difficult time for those involved. There is quite a difference between a funeral of a christian and of a non-christian. The mourning is tremendous for all but the christian funeral has such a different feel about it with a hope for the future and the assurance of being in a better place. It is such a celebration of their life, and I think the grieving is quite different for those that are christian. It never leaves you, but it perhaps eventually eases with time. I know of a lady who lost her mother quite some time ago and her grief is still so raw. Mixed with it, I sense fear, and uncertainty.
It is a difficult topic. I believe a ceremony that you talk about would be a wonderful way of helping her.

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