This is the wonderful rain which fell at the end of our Xmas celebration on Xmas eve. (Thank you Rachel for the pic!) It is super hot here now again, and we are awaiting refreshing rain. Who would have thought I would ever be excited about rain!!!!!!

I am feeling crushed. I don't know how many more rental applications being rejected I can cope with. I so need my own home space around me. There's apparently a 'housing crisis' in Melbourne. And we are all really sick with stomach flu, Eowyn the worst, poor lamb, can't keep anything down...


baker st jones said…
Poor meggs. Well you'll look back on this time one day and marvel at how difficult it was.
Anonymous said…
SO sorry you've all been sick : ( and SO glad you're all better!! Please give yourselves big hugs from Kasey & me. I'm sad for you, not having your own home space yet. I know how much you like having a space to call your own, with quiet nooks to sit. But, you know the saying, "Nothing worth having comes easily"? Well, your home is out there and chances are when you can't take another rejection it will appear. Chin up! Love you & your sweet girls. Miss you all so!!!!!!!!!! Sarah
Nonickname said…
Finally! A picture from Oz. How nice to enjoy rain. We just got back from the snow and cross-country skiing and I thought of you. I am sorry about the difficulties that you guys are having with finding a place to live, I really hope that the perfect home comes your way soon!
Megs said…
thanks lovely kindikins!

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