Stephen John Jones

This time exactly twenty-three years ago, my siblings and I snuggled next to a roaring fire, one cold wintry night, very early in the morning on June 13, 1984, as we awaited news from Kyabram Hospital about the birth of Jones #6 ... It's a boy! Stephen John Jones!! We were all over the moon!!! And what's more, he had brown eyes, so now there were three girls, three boys, three blue eyes and three brown eyes.

I didn't go to school the next morning - i went to the hospital, to gaze reverently on my new, beautiful brother Stephen.

He was a delightful little boy, with a shock of thick blonde hair which he would rub my tummy with to tickle me, or bury in the crook of my neck to hide from the world and feel safe (just as my girls do now!) I remember once being in a thunder storm at the farm, out in the fields with god, rain absolutely drenching us, Stephen snuggled safely under my jumper, his head in the crook of my neck, running like mad to get out of the rain. We were chanting to each other "I love you Stephen" "I love you Megsie" and singing little songss. His presence still seems so near.

That was the last time Stephen went to the farm before he died. This picture of Stephen I took that holiday. (Sam and Mum have beautiful pictures of Stephen on their blogs, which are linked over there to the right!)

After he died, Sam said "I wonder if Stephen folds his pyjamas and puts them neatly under his pillow in heaven the way he did here in our bedroom". I love Stephen and find comfort in envisaging him in the comfort and protection of Jesus in heaven. He is a dear boy.

Happy birthday, Stephen John Jones!! I wish we were together somewhere on planet earth, celebrating your 23 years! I love you!!

And today is another wonderful person's birthday - Happy Birthday Jenny! Love Megs


Helen said…
Megs, what happened to your baby brother Stephen (if it's ok to ask)?
Helen said…
Actually I'm not sure I should have put Megs, sorry if that is Benjamin's name for you.
Anonymous said…
Darling little Stephen. What a beautiful little boy he was. Bless you, Megs.
Stephen had lots of heart problems - he had a heart attack in my (ie: his Mother's, Gretta's) arms, at 4 weeks. But what finally caused his death was one of the cardiomyopathys, endocardialfibroelastosis. He was a beautiful,darling boy, Kate. Thanks, Megs
Dad here. Thank you megs for your story - a little bit heart wrenching for me. I love that aspect of your life at the farm. You were another adult and had been some time by then and so bring out a part of Stephen that makes me want to cry. Its the cheeky life-filled enthusiastic part! I love you. Dad
Helen said…
Thanks gretta.

I'm sorry your family had to say goodbye to Stephen when he was so young. :(
Jenny said…
Hi Megan. Great post about Stephen.
Thankyou for your phone call. I was out at the movies...a friend gave me a ticket for my birthday and took Oliver for the day. It was lovely just to sit and be entertained.
baker st jones said…
stephen looks so much like david in that photo


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