My favourite song, June 2007 (by my favourite artist, all time!) WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE SONG, JUNE 2007?


He looks real real old too. But he has a great gravelly voice.
Jenny said…
Well, at the moment (June), it would still be 'Straight Lines' by Silverchair. Although I am enjoying Powderfinger's new single, 'Lost and Running'.
Favourite of all time though - 'Beautiful Day' by U2.
good song. i knew it would be VM before it loaded up Meeps!

mine would be sinister in a state of hope by loney, dear

mum, VM is 62 in August...
For me, Johnny Mathis, "Young and warm and wonderful" 1958. Or Everly Bros, "Dream". When I first followed the hit parade, which it was then called.
baker st jones said…
Nice; I've never really taken much notice of Van Morrison, but I like this song. I've moved a bit out of the phase of actually knowing particular songs by artists, and more into vaguely liking this artist or that. I'm not completely out of touch though, Sam and I are going to see Muse at Wembley Stadium tomorrow!

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