Best Friends Reunited!

Eowyn's best friend Talya has been with her lovely family in Israel for the summer. The two girls were VERY happy to see each other! School begins today, and they are in the same class again!! Hooray!!!!

AND what's more, Eowyn's best-friend-in-Australia, INDIA, and the wonderful Taylor, Ethan, Apey and Dave are coming on Friday! We are very excited!

My good friend Katie told me Renee & James B., her youth group leaders of yore were starting a church plant, after the model of HTB in England... I googled them and we went, and what's more, SAM met James B in London, and introduced him to me when he and Becca were here looking after us all when dear Coco was brand new. We went to last night, and they are really keen for me to be part of their Alpha team ... looks like a good thing!


megs, this is really exciting. how great.

love you sam

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