Swat Vac...

Bens studying for his psychology exam tomorrow (key lime martinis by moi!)
Hmmmmm - somehow, he's here 3 times ... perhaps this is symbolic... I've just put Coco to bed for the 27th time in a row. Super Nanny Megs.... is losing patience. I'm back .. make that 28!
Bens and I are thinking of going to Mars Hill Graduate School together and doing a Masters in Counselling Psychology. He has two years left of his BA, and one quarter left of his AA. He's hoping to get into the University of Washington this Fall - please pray/wish/etc.!! I prayed today that God would show me what he really thinks of me, as he or she seems so nebulus and esoteric. And I have a feeling God is gonna answer me. My story group begins in a week, and involves reading Dan Allender and Lisa Fann's "To Be Told" and writing our stories and reading them in the small group, which shall be led by Lisa Fann , each Monday morning. I'm excited and nervous. Coco's out of bed again.......
its cool hearing about the two of you studying together. i really think god takes huge delight in using couples together to help realise his dreams for planet earth.
i have been involved in some amazing prayer at church - its called 'freedom prayer' and comes out of a church in tacoma called clover creek. its a team of people praying for an individual. the first thing we ask god is 'how have you made this person, what is their dna?' we then wait and write down the things we get and its totally amazing what comes out. the most wonderful things about people (and that cool thing of different people getting the same things). and theres none of that - 'you are like a tree' or a river or a flower, its detailed ans specific to that person. you should go to clover creek and ask them to pray for you, its life changing. anyways, that was a long way of saying two things:
(i) the leaders of clover creek church are running a conference here in May and Becca and I are going, which is exciting to be doing something like this as a couple; and
(ii) the thing about you asking god what he things of you, expect details! and this might be a cool way to find out more??
love you, sam