That's the 'Spirit of Tasmania' setting sail in the background... ah,to be at sea!!

This is about 2 minutes from our front door ... you are welcome at ours!

I have a job interview tomorrow,  and another one on Thursday, at 'Stephen's Hospital', the Children's Hospital, Centre for Adolesescent Health, Chronic Illness Peer Support. I'm feeling exhausted by all  this anticipated transition.

Bens and I are going  to Leonard Cohen on Saturday night.  Early in our marriage, we went on holiday and drove across the Cascades on  Highway 20 - the mountains are jaggedy and snow-capped and utterly beautiful - into Eastern Washington,  which is very dry,  where we stayed  at Methow  Valley Ranch. On the drive, we listened to Leonard Cohen, and let the magic of his lyrics  soak into our imaginations. His music is part of our story together. I'm excited for Saturday night! As is Bens!  As  are the girls, who are  staying the night at  Grandma and Gumps!!!


Nonickname said…
What a beautiful, beautiful view. It is summer somewhere! Here the days are cold and crisp, late autumn is upon us.
Rachel J-L said…
How many Gumps are there?
We've had a great w/e together - made felt Christmas stars, and watched Heartbeat together so far. Gump and Eowyn are off at a Callisthenics concert together.
Oh, I now see what Rachel means: 's missing.

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