Coco is delightfully eager in her basketball playing! Dear Eowyn is poorly today, with the nasty cold I had - what a gift to give my daughter! Bens, Naomi and I are getting ready to attend Avak's party - I am excited, though at this very moment, feel most like popping in to my pink flannellette jammies and reading my book (Tom Wolfe's 'I am Charlotte Simmons')! James Taylor's 'Up on a Roof' is playing, which is lovely, although it makes me feel homesick  for Bag End,  where I'd climb on the roof, with Mon Petit Chou (our cat), and sing it to myself, taking in the splendid view of the Cascade Mountains and the Floating Meadow and our line of birch trees and the grove of cedars in our back garden, and plum trees and mountain ash and chestnut, and the row of maples at the foot of the hill, ahhhh,  so splendid in the fall...


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