Having worked 5 days a week all summer, I am DELIGHTED to inform you that I now have 3 weeks holidays! WHAT A WONDROUS FEELING! I think, being 39, delight is always tempered with the awareness that hope and disappointment go together. Still!! The girls are off to Camp Erin, a special camp for grieving children, 2 nights overnight. Bens and I shall backpack up to the Pacific Crest Trail and camp between Surprise Lake and Glacier Lake. I am excited! Bens isn't - he is a kindly husband, to come and do things which I really want to do and he doesnt. Next week, the four of us shall hike in to Boardman Lake, which all my family except my dear sisters, R, S, K, A & B, and my dear nephews E, S, R, D & Z have visited - Sam rode a log boat there, and we always think of him when there is a log floating - nobody else has ever been able to stay standing up!!!!!!!!

It was raining this morning, after a hot, sunny week, and the weather forecast was abysmal, Puddleglummish, Eeyoresque, saying how summer was over, fall leaves here, no more sunshine. I was so mad at Seattle. Pacific Northwesterners love to talk about how the short summer is over so quickly. I think, in a funny kind of way, they like to be gloomy about their weather.

Now I'm excited again and it's stopped raining!


"Mother, Father kindly disregard this letter"??? Do you know that song?? I guess it was your mentioning the girls' Summer Camp which suggested it to me. have a wonderful holiday, all of you.
Anonymous said…
oh megan, i love your writing!
"puddleglumish!" "eeyoresque!" i am laughing and laughing and imagining you mad at seattle for its awful weather. the end of summer is so sad, isn't it? i was so happy a few days ago when it really heated up again (32 degrees or so) to laugh in the faces of all those people saying "summer's gone!"

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