A very special element of the proceedings was Gene Tagaban from the First Nations officially welcoming us. Here he is doing a Raven Dance, after telling the story of how Hawk went to fetch the firy spirit for Raven, and carrying it bent her beak, and Raven breathed the spirit into the mountains and the trees and each human being - it was a beautiful story. I was touched deeply by all the expressions of welcome, and especially by dear family and friends being present in the hot sun at my oath ceremony!


anita said…

Nonickname said…
Congratulations Megs! I am so sorry that we couldn't be there. We tried, but the day got away from us.
congrats meg! amazing photos?! a splash of Jackie O
What's the symbolism of the upward turned palms???
Benjamin Ady said…
we were doing a special rhythm as part of the story! it was lovely! and a violin and flute played whilst Raven danced!

love m, who is listening to b play lovely music in the guitar!
Congratulations!! You and me babe (U.S. citizens that is)!
Those are fantastic photos! You look gorgeous!
Becca x

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