Our lives are at a point of transition now. Bens graduates (magna cum laude, as did his wife!) on Saturday, and has a myriad professional possibilities ahead of him. His dear Mom, Sue, despite ailing health is hoping to attend the ceremony. Eowyn graduates from Kindergarten on Tuesday, leaving the EEU, a school which has been a place of security, challenge, excitement and constancy for her preschool and Kindergarten years. Tomorrow I'm joining Coco's class on a field trip to a playground. She's enrolled in Pre-K at the EEU for September, and Eowyn in first grade at Wedgwood, one of the best elementary schools in the state.
PEPS has given me more work - now I'll be facilitating groups for parents who have two (or more) small children at Wallingford and Bitterlake, two days a week. I really enjoy this, especially once trust builds in the group. My Dad is a Social Psychologist, and I think has given me a fascination with group dynamics and therapeutic potential. And now my husband has a degree in Psychology - I'm very proud of him!!! He wants at some point to go to Law School.
It makes me nervous not knowing whether we'll be staying here for the long term, or moving elsewhere - and yet this is potential charged with wonder as well as worry. Ambiguity is something I'm not good at. And meteorologists are predicting a cold, rainy June and July, when I'd been hanging out for my dear old friend the sun. I rode to work in the rain this morning, which was refreshing, green, vivid, enlivening. But I DO love to soak in the sun, and to be brown as a berry, as Enid Blyton would say.
Love to you who read my blog, my family and close friends! Thank you for being in this sacred space with me.
Love Megs